Alliance Virginia 2025 Donation Drive

War has laid waste to Telvania, its shadow stretching across the eastern hemisphere, its scars etched deeply into the land. Though the Plateau of Crowns has been liberated, the path to restoration is long and fraught with hardship. The war is far from over; the Elaryian Forest lies torn asunder, split in twain by the corrupting influence of chaos. Silvervale, our beloved home, remains under the sway of these agents of ruin.

We will not rest until our lands are freed from their grasp. When the last of our realm is reclaimed, the true work shall begin: the rebuilding of all that was lost. I now call upon all noble benefactors and stalwart philanthropists to lend their aid in this great undertaking. Help us restore our homes, and in return, you shall earn a permanent place upon the map of Telvania—your legacy carved into the very fabric of the land we seek to heal.

Donations can be made to us via PayPal.

Individual Donation


  • 10,000 Goblin Stamps/200 Dragon Stamps

  • Free participation and secondary blanket at all game events hosted by Alliance Virginia this season.

  • 20 Ritual Effect LCO magic items that are tied into your character’s backstory (may include up to 4 effects for controlled rituals).

  • One personal mini keep; the building is a work in progress and will take in-game time and money to reach its full potential. Includes a working “pet stables” and a portal that provides once per event portal access via the Telvanian portal system.

  • Two free “pet energy recharge tokens” per event through the 2025 season.

  • Your pick of 1 out of 9 different “sparkly” variant starter pets.

  • Once per event, NPC assistant to cast protectives or spellcraft a ritual effect at the beginning of a logistics period (this happens as you go through logistics/see plot for non-enchantment-based ritual effects).

  • 1 Tavern, Business, or Institution named after you in the Telvania, with plots discretion.


  • 5,000 Goblin Stamps/100 Dragon Stamps

  • Free participation and secondary blanket at all game events hosted by Alliance Virginia this season.

  • 10 Ritual Effect LCO magic items that are tied into your backstory (may include up to 2 effects for controlled rituals).

  • 1 Small Merchant Ship or 1 3-room stone cottage and a small longboat.

  • Two free “pet energy recharge tokens” per event through the 2025 season.

  • Your pick of 1 out of 9 different “sparkly” variant starter pets.

  • Once per event, NPC assistant to cast protectives or spellcraft a ritual effect at the beginning of a logistics period (this happens as you go through logistics/see plot for non-enchantment-based ritual effects).

  • 1 Tavern, Business, or Institution named after you in the Telvania, with plots discretion.


  • 2,500 Goblin Stamps/50 Dragon Stamps

  • 5 Ritual Effect LCO magic items that are tied into your character's backstory.

  • Two free “pet energy recharge tokens” per event through the 2025 season.

  • 1 3-room wooden cottage and 1 small boat.

  • Once per event, NPC assistant to cast protectives or spellcraft a ritual effect at the beginning of a logistics period (this happens as you go through logistics/see plot for non-enchantment-based ritual effects).

  • Your pick of 1 out of 9 different starter pets.

  • 1 Tavern, Business, or Institution named after your group in the Telvania, with plots discretion.


  • 1,000 Goblin Stamps

  • 3 times-ever LCO magic items (Enchant/Skill Store only) - Or two fully charged pieces of Superior Equipment.

  • Once per event, NPC assistant to cast protectives at the beginning of a logistics period (this happens as you go through logistics).

  • Two free “pet energy recharge tokens” per event through the 2025 season.

  • Your pick of 1 out of 9 different starter pets.

  • 1 street named after you in the Telvania, with plots discretion.


  • 500 Goblin Stamps

  • 2 times-ever LCO magic items (Enchant/Skill Store only) OR one fully charged piece of Superior Equipment.

  • One free “pet energy recharge token” per event through the 2025 season.

  • Your pick of 1 out of 4 different starter pets.

  • 1 street named after you in the Telvania, with plots discretion.


  • 250 Goblin Stamps

  • 1 time-ever LCO magic item (Enchant/Skill Store only - NO Dodge).

  • 1 random starter pet.

  • 1 street named after you in the Telvania, with plots discretion.


  • 100 Goblin Stamps

  • A gift from plot (find out in-game).

Group Donation


  • 10,000 Goblin Stamps/200 Dragon Stamps distributed amongst your group.

  • Up to 20 Ritual effects worth of LCO magic items made from our reward list, or a combination of up to 20 LCO ritual scrolls from our reward list (may include up to 4 controlled ritual effects/scrolls).

  • One personal keep; the building is a work in progress and will take in-game time and money to reach its full potential. Includes a working “improved pet stables” and a portal that provides once per event portal access via the Telvanian portal system.

  • One personal group “mascot”.

  • One Alela’s favor coin.

  • 1 time per game prepaid NPC for hire (to fill a gap on a module, cast a ritual, cast a ward, or heal as needed for the group after a mod/town event).

  • Preferred logistics experience - Send one member to logistics with all relevant tags/crafting information to collect your pre-registered team's packets.

  • 1 Tavern, Business, or Institution named after your group in the Telvania, with plots discretion.


  • 5,000 Goblin Stamps/100 Dragon Stamps split amongst the group in the manner of your choosing.

  • Up to 10 Ritual effects worth of LCO magic items made from our reward list, or a combination of up to 10 LCO ritual scrolls from our reward list (May include up to 2 controlled ritual effects/scrolls).

  • 1 Large Merchant Ship or 1 Mini Keep (half the size of a keep). These structures are a work in progress and will take in-game time and coin to reach their full potential. Both include a working “pet stables” and a broken-down portal with access to the Telvanian portal system once restored.

  • 1 time per game prepaid NPC for hire (to cast a ritual/ward or heal the group after a module/town event).

  • 1 Tavern, Business, or Institution named after your group in the Telvania, with plots discretion.


  • 2,500 Goblin Stamps/50 Dragon Stamps split amongst the group in the manner of your choosing

  • Up to 5 rituals worth of LCO magic items made from our Ritual list, or a combination of up to 5 non-catalyst LCO ritual scrolls, or up to 3 fully charged pieces of Superior Equipment (May include up to 1 controlled ritual).

  • 1 rundown six-room stone cottage. This building is a work in progress and will take in-game time and money to reach its full potential. Includes “pet stables” that could be fixed with some work.

  • 1 Tavern, Business, or Institution named after your group in the Telvania, with plots discretion

All Donors will receive recognition on the Plateau Monument.

No cash refunds will be offered for missed games. If you are a season pass holder and cannot make a game contact us and we will work out an alternative form of compensation. For more details about the drive, please visit here. Feel free to email and/or with any questions or concerns regarding your donation.