In the Southeast reaches of Tel’Vania in an ancient and lush forest known as The Great Elarian Forest, live the High Elves or the Alendil. The Alendil reign over the Realm of Elaria in harmony with most of the races that call the bountiful region home. The forest is home to many Al’Kyn’Shere and Verdavain as well as the Alendil, who act as protectors to both the races.However, the Alendil view some of the Kin as destructive and greedy, overhunting and overgrazing the delicate ecosystems of the Elarian Forest. The Elder Verdavain live in symbiosis with the Alendil deep within the center of The Great Elarian Forest. The City of Elderwood which lies amongst the massive old trees, weaving in and out of branches and canopies, is built around an immense natural Spring called The Everlast Spring. The Alendil make their homes in elaborate estates found amongst the treetops of these ancient trees. It is rumored that at the source of the Spring, resides the most Ancient of Dryads, tended to by the Alendil. It is unknown if this is true, but the Dryads do hold an intense reverence and respect for the Alendil.
The Alendil are ruled over by The Council. This council is made up of seven Alendil who represent the seven great houses of the Alendil and are thought to be wisest of all:Daystar Henbane of Henbane Hall
Galen Malfet of Manor Malfet
Jaqu Mochett of House Mochett
Ronqui Featherlight of The Hedges
Felidae Treetop of Treetop Hall
Teacup Merette of Merette Tower
Sylvia Whitsend of The Glen
As a whole the Alendil prefer not to wear confining metal armor as it hinders them from navigating through the oftentimes overgrown and dense forests. They prefer, in fact, to wear light clothing and armor made from leather in greens and browns and silvers to match the sun-dappled woods.
High elves consider themselves the most refined and civilized race, all others-- to the Alendil-- are comparatively brutish. Which, in the grand scheme is perhaps true, the Alendil value knowledge and tact over all else. While this is the case, it is also rare to encounter an Alendil who does not know how to use a bow and cast a few spells. When fighting, they tend to prefer bow and short swords, which are easier to maneuver in close quarters, but even then, fighting is seen as a last resort when peaceful negotiations are unsuccessful.
The Alendil are mostly vegetarian but they do supplement their diet with the occasional finer cuts of meat. They tend to shy away from heavier meats, such as pork, preferring poultry or freshwater fish. They know that a few of the races of Tel’Vania consume insects and other crawly things and this repulses the Alendil. The Alendil are fine brewers making some of the most exquisite meads and wines from recipes refined over centuries and centuries of experimentation with full-body, soft tannins, and complex flavors.
Representing a High Elf in Tel’Vania:
High Elves must have pointed ears and they tend to have longer than usual ears. They also tend to wear earth tones, natural fabrics (linen, cotton, wool), leather, and natural materials. -
The Stone Elves of Tel’Vania, also known as the A’nadar are a calm and peaceful race of people, mostly composed of Celestial Mages. They keep to themselves in their home high up in the Pahvriel Mountains. A massive mountain range in the northeast of Tel’Vania nestled between The Plateau of Crowns and The A’Daragon Crescent. The Pahvriel Mountains are the tallest in all of Tel’Vania, reaching such lofty heights that most other races would find it difficult to breathe. The A’nadar however have developed lungs that enable them to breathe even in those extremes often taking calm even breaths.
Their homes are all built along outcroppings of natural rock. Most other races would consider their manner of furnishing their homes to be severe or stoic at best, though the A’nadar would beg to differ. They prefer clean lines and simple color schemes. This styling translates over to the way they dress. Simple, minimalist, all clean lines and order.
The A’nadar are fiercely allied with the Akhema and share a long knowledge and history with them. They often seek the counsel and wisdom of the Gryphons. They are ruled over by one simply known as The Obsidian Circlet. Once The Obsidian Circlet dies or abdicates the throne the next in line will also be The Obsidian Circlet, so it has been; for eons and eons as long as memory can tell.
The A’nadar rarely descend down from their mountain homes. At some point or another a stone elf will adventure out into the world of Tel’Vania without notice. Some adventure at a young age to return later and some older A’nadar adventure out of boredom. A select few are exiled from the Pahvriel Mountains to wander the lands. These A’nadar are known as The Tempered. The Tempered are A’nadar who have withstood a trauma so profound that their curse of being emotionless was broken by the sheer raw primal force of emotion they sustained. The Tempered can be volatile and unpredictable at first. Over the years they tend to settle into their emotional lives but some forever have trouble displaying the proper emotion at the proper time.
The A’nadar eat solely for the purpose of sustaining themselves. They farm mushrooms and fungi, finding that the most nutritious varieties grow where they leave wood to rot and where they bury the hearts of animals in the rich loamy soil.They’re often ground and dried in long flat sheets that are made into teas, soups or eaten as-is. These fungi are both a source of food and medicine for the A’nadar. Any other race who happens to attempt eating this nutrient dense foodstuff would describe it as “horribly bitter” or worse. No foul taste seems to outweigh the logical health benefits in the opinion of the A’nadar.
Representing a Stone Elf in Tel’Vania:
Stone elves must have stark white skin with black lips. They tend to wear the ancient Tel’Vania style of clothing white linen generally with a decorative trim in color with gold or silver threads. Some younger A'nadar will wear simple clothing with clean lines. A'nadar have medium to long ears. -
The Ti’Li’Lu children learn to swim amongst the ruins of a civilization forgotten to time. The mainland coast surrounding their home, The Sunken Isles, is lined with these ruins, partially submerged in all their splendor. Beautifully colored glass windows are lapped at by the unending tides. Once towering stone spires lay as breakers in the waves now and ancient sailing vessels lay in ruin. On the La’Cara river magnificent riverside estates lay crumbled into the river beds serving as a reminder of a life long since past.
These are peaceful and carefree folk living in harmony with the seas and rivers. They’re adept fishermen, and many spend their whole lives doing just that. They’re often content to simply lounge on the beaches of their island homes with their families. The brave amongst the villages dive deep for treasures sunken in the ruins. It is not uncommon for the Ti’Li’Lu to decorate their homes, small fishing boats and their own bodies with the shards of crystal-like sea glass from the ruins all around them.
There are none in the whole of Tel’Vania who can navigate the sea better than the Ti’Li’Lu. Though there are those who would argue that one of the T’Käija can navigate just as well. They are the only race who do not fear the mysterious Na’Azul who live in the north eastern sea caves.
Their homes consist of serieses of palm shacks and wooden buildings, scattered all around the chain of islands in the Southern Sea. Some of the Ti’Li’Lu make their homes in small ruins, using the old stone walls as more sturdy and permanent structures to protect better from the elements.
Their diets consist mostly of meat and fish, supplemented by the luscious tropical fruit that grows in abundance on islands and along the coast in long untended gardens. They have become exceedingly fond of the caviar of Blind Cave Fish that the Na’Azul cultivate and have turned it into a drink they have named Caviorb.
They are characterized by their webbed, multi-pointed ears and some outsiders have said that they have started to resemble some of the fish of their regions.
In the rivers high above the sea, the Ti’Li’Lu Deltár make their homes. The main population of Ti’Li’Lu Deltár resides in the La’Cara River. They are simple folk who love their natural waterways and deltas. They are likewise avid fishermen and are the most skilled in all the lands at making small and fast, river-worthy boats.
The Ti’Li’Lu are all born with ears having only three points but as they grow their ears quickly split into points of four or more as they mature. Points numbering more than six have never been recorded. Their lifespan is not quite so long as their High Elf brethren, maxing out at around a thousand years. They do not reach full maturity until around 100 years of age.
There are two types of Aquatic elves in Tel’Vania The Ti’Li’Lu Deltár meaning born of the river and Ti’Li’Lu Delmér meaning born of the sea. With the only real difference between them are the subtle differences in colors on their scales, hair, and choice of accessories. The Deltár enjoy items found near rivers, streams and lakes. usually with Teal or hints of greens in their hair and scale colors of koi fish or other fish found in the rivers and lakes of Tel’Vania.
Ti’Li’Lu need to drink water to survive and will always have water on their person. The Ti’Li’Lu also encourage their friends to drink water with them as staying hydrated is vital.
Representing The Race in Tel’Vania:
The younger Ti’Li’Lu have three points on their ears but adults have four or more. These sea elves aren’t your typical “mermaid” aesthetic, they’re more natural, they tend to have characteristics of tropical fish (think Blue Tangs, Lionfish, and anything from the sea) or freshwater fish (Catfish, Rainbow trout, sturgeons, or koi for example). As stated above, your character will have to carry water on them at all times. -
Item descriptionThe Biata, or Akhema of Tel’Vania live high up in the Rookery Mountains in the central southernmost mountains behind the thick metal doors of Braviary Keep. The Akhema live very closely here, with the Gryphons, and seek their council on all matters.They spend most of the day training in different aspects of combat or studying on all matters of Tel’Vania. They also have honed their skills at creating the finest fudge and confections in all Tel’Vania.
At the center courtyard called The Courtyard of Memory. They guard their Homestone, which appears as a massive shard of Hematite, covered and adorned with the lodestones of fallen Biata of the past. The Homestone is heavily guarded and tended by a cloistered order of Ancient Biata Mystics.
These Mystics dedicate their lives to the preservation of the Homestone. The Biata do not generally welcome outsiders into their keep.
They are ruled over by their King Qui and Queen Djin who receive counsel from the Gryphons on all matters, and act as messengers of the will of them.
The Akhema live in close relations not only with the Gryphons but also the A’nadar. They are the only race the Akhema openly ally with and trust.
The diet of the Akhema consists largely of game meat, such as venison. They supplement their diet with a variety of vegetables, often eaten raw and plain or cooked with mint. They are known to descend from their mountain home down to the rocky coast below to enjoy mollusks, bivalves, cephalopods and crustaceans.
As with the Biata of other lands, the Akhema feel that certain colors represent emotions, and this is based on the fact that the colors of a biata’s feathers relate to the biata’s individual personalities. Akhema may go through a “molt” or change over the years as their personality shifts and a different color(s) of feathers might form. Biata may have more than one color of feather at a time, but no more than three.
Black: stubbornness / lawful
Blue: tranquility / passive
Brown: isolationism
Gray: neutrality / shy / passive / kind
Green: hatred / jealousy / cruel
Orange: rigidity / firm emotions
Purple: calculating / serious
Red: anger / fierce emotions / mood swings
Tan: mercenary / seeks adventurer
White: mischief / lust / impulsive
Yellow: love / honesty / trust
Pink: purity/ fragility/innocence/rebirth/ life
Gold:Honor/ power/ usually reserved for Higher Ranked individuals (see plot for approval)
Copper: reserved for Ancient biata primarily the mystics (see plot for approval)
Having celestial protective spells cast upon an Akhema may cause great discomfort. Many will refuse to sleep behind Wards and will not use celestial magic items. Biata who accept celestial magics or sleep behind celestial protectives find that other Akhema will shun them, and may find that their ability to use their mental skills will stop working temporarily until they cleanse themselves from the celestial taint. Akhema live a very long time, like the A’nadar from which they are descended. Akhema and A’nadar have spent years honing mental skills and as such can perform certain mental mind abilities. These abilities are all completely role-playing in nature. and some say in Tel’Vania they got these abilities from the Gryphons.
Representing a Biata in game:
Your feathers must be visible to others. Biata may have more than one color of feather at a time, but no more than three. -
The Dwarves or Dorn of Tel’Vania live on Cinderspire, a towering, smoking volcano in the north. The majority of the Dwarven population live in the valley of Hamarhaast, the path of an ancient lahar. The area is fertile from the rich soil that flowed through the valley when the lahar occurred--so long ago that there are none who have memory of it.
The residents of Hamarhaast are mostly craftsmen and metalworkers. Tradesmen and farmers are among their ranks as well and are all prideful of their work. There are numerous Inns in the valley, all famous for their natural mineral hot springs which are a draw for weary travelers making the trek up the oftentimes frigid terrain.
Hamarhaast is the hub of Dwarven trade on Cinderspire, and is home to many affluent families. The Dorn here, whether of high or low status, all wear their beards long and luxurious. Their proximity to the active Volcano leaves everything in the Valley covered in a fine layer of ash. No matter how clean and pressed, every Dwarf from the region is usually covered in a dusting of the material.
There are three Clans of Dwarf in Hamarhaast all differentiated by the way they braid and decorate their beards:
The Ashen: They’re of a hard-spun ilk, they’re mainly farmers and craftsmen and wear their beards in a long thick braid. They’re the common-folk amongst the Dorn.
The Dire: The Dire are hunters, taking on great prey such as bear and elk, immense creatures for their Dwarven stature. The Dire wear their beards in twin braids. Once they’ve made a kill on their own they earn silver bands for their beards. They tend to like wearing dark colors and furs.
The Gilded: The Gilded are property owners, Innkeepers, Merchants and Jewelers. They are generally considered the better class of Dorn in Hamarhaast. They wear their beards in many elaborate braids adorned with gold and jewels.
Higher up Cinderspire in the very caldera of the great mountain is the Molten Keep. Here, the Dwarven Royal Family resides, as well as an elite group of blacksmiths and their families. The locals have dubbed the smithing group, The Forged. These hardy Dorn have no fear of fire or flame and readily wield the very magma bubbling in the mountain to forge their crafts. The Forged have short beards as the flames of Cinderspire keep them burnt close.All of the Dorn of the Molten Keep are trained at smithing at The Mountain’s Heart, a gigantic forge deep in the core of the volcano. It is said that Dorn who learned to smith at The Mountain’s Heart can create items that appear to hold the flame of the volcano in their very material. Hence their adornments seem to glow like heated metal.
The First Ember, or king; Rayvyk Silvertomb rules the mountain with a just and kind hand though he is never to be crossed, most agree he is a fair man.
The King is guarded by what in long-ago-times was merely a militia, now organized into a force of intensively trained and specialized warriors known as The Iron Shields. These Elite warriors are the protectors of all of Cinderspire and its people From the Molten Keep to Hamarhaast.
The Dorn are fond of their meats, they like it salted, smoked, baked, fried and stewed. Their great Dire hunting parties provide them with that necessary staple of their tables. They also prefer heartier vegetables, such as tubers and roots. They are also fond of spice and add it to their meals via a bright red beetle that they dry and crush into a fine powder.
Representing The Race in Tel’Vania:
As described above, the individual clans have a certain look.
For the Dwarves of Hamarhaast it would be considered a crime and taboo to break beard custom. For instance an Ashen Dwarf would never wear their beard in the same style of one of The Dire and vice versa.
The main thing about the Dwarves of Tel’Vania is that they’re all always covered in some sort of ash from the volcano, even if they’ve traveled far from their homeland it sticks with them always. Weather it's in there boots or the bottom of their pouches a down well always find some sort of ash hiding away. They don't mind it as it makes them feel like home. -
Coming soon
The Hophium or Hoblings in Tel'Vania live in the Ethereal Isles to the south west, a near pristine Island affected very little by the blight.
The Ethereal Isles were the last to be affected by the blight, being so far from the mainland coast. Some would call the island a paradise compared to other parts of Tel'Vania. Especially with the Hophium having an eye for the finer things in life. Their Island home is rich in natural resources. Many Hophium tend to vast orchards and vineyards, creating wine and fruit spirits believing that they are unparalleled in all Tel’Vania.
The Hophium; short in stature but big in spirit are skilled monster hunters and whenever the chance arises they spring to the chance to pursue one.
The Hophium live in small cozy villages, each governed by a mayor who are in turn governed by the Governor; Oinsby Glott, who resides on the largest ship in the bay and metes out very fair justice.The abundance of natural resources has led the Hophium into the natural role of being tradesmen. They build elaborate and luxurious sailing vessels and sail from port to port in Tel’Vania selling their wares and shipping goods. These ships have been described as “Villages afloat” and “Sea Castles”. They’re well known for their food exports as well as their unparalleled textiles. It is said that even the finest silk does not feel as lovely against the skin as simple Hophium homespun.
They are skilled tinkerers and have restored many ancient artifacts to working order such as the navigation equipment they use to steer their sailing ships with as well as other more elaborate constructions.
Many other races have good relations with the Hophium but none so well as the Al’Kyn’Shere who thrive in the paradise that is The Ethereal Isles. Many Otterkin, Mousekin,Beaverkin, etc.. make their homes there now. It is likewise not uncommon to see all manner of Al’Kyn’Shere to be aboard Hophium ships.
It is considered ill manners to call a Hophium a “Hoph'' as most will use the shortened name derogatorily.
A typical Hophium meal consists of several courses always starting with a course of fine breads and small beer. They are largely vegetarian and are renown for their vegetable stews and wonderful cheeses. They only eat imported meats as they value their ecosystems too much to strain it with meat farming or risking overhunting. Instead they tend to keep a single dairy cow or two per family. Any eggs they might need are harvested from a special breed of hen found only on the Ethereal Isles. The hens stand nearly as tall as the Hophium themselves and produce eggs equal to three of a mainland hen. They are fond of wines and renowned for their dandelion cordial.
Life on the Isles is not all luxury and relaxation though, for once the sun sets there lurks a danger. There are Wolves on the Isles, twice the size of a normal wolf, which to a Hophium, are large indeed! Among these Wolves there reside Werewolves and most of the Hophium are called by their blood to take up arms and learn to slay the beasts. Many ages ago the Hophium were cursed by someone or something that wanted to see them eradicated. The Hophium were cursed with their blood drawing the beasts to them.
Representing a Hobling in Tel’Vania:
Playing a Hophium you must represent sideburns in some way and my style them as you wish. Some family's wear their sideburns a specific way or at least they might naturally grow a certain way. They like to dress comfortably and very richly, in many jewel tones as well as earth tones. Many Hophium tend to not wear a lot of jewelry as to not flaunt their wealth in a monetary way but much prefer to flaunt craftsmanship. A well tailored article of clothing made with the best cloth with nice trim and good stitching is sure to set off the neighborhood gossip. -
The Humans or Cetra of Tel’Vania live nestled atop a towering land mass called; The Plateau of Crowns, which is home to the five unified Cetran kingdoms.
In ages past the kingdoms warred with one another but finite space and years of negotiations, coupled with the strife caused by the Blight, united them under one banner and one Imperial Sovereign. It proved fortuitous that they united because the individual kingdoms realized that without warring amongst themselves, they could prosper due to the natural resources and prime location of the Plateau.
Over time the kingdoms sprawled and spread into one massive city.
After The Great Cataclysm, walls went up around said city in an effort to keep the Blight at bay.
The Cetra do not trust magic; they believe it to be the root source of the Blight, that the Blight is a punishment for the use of magic.Magic is forbidden inside the walls of the plateau and any who use magic face immediate exile or if the crime is too severe could even be punishable by death, regardless of if it’s Celestial or Earth.
Thus, the Cetra are elitist and view all other races as lesser and corrupted by magic, especially the races they consider closest to being human, such as the T’Käija.
To this day the city remains divided into districts that were once the five kingdoms of the Plateau. Each district is overseen by a Steward appointed by the Empress.
The first district is Dockton, the largest district overall. It is home to vast shipping docks and fertile farmland that sustains the whole city and bustling markets. Closer to the second district the houses have grown to be close together and have taken on the nickname “The Warrens” because of their many twisting and turning side roads and alleyways.The poorer Cetra make Dockton and The Warrens their home. The district is governed locally by Steward Thassa Moray.
The second district is Andesine, in charge of fortifying the whole city. The finest Cetra blacksmiths come from this district. They are maintainers of the Wall around the city. The district takes its name from the material the Wall was built from. The residents of this district are respected no matter their social status. The residents from birth are destined to become smiths or masons. The peoples of thought and design bring their plans and machinations to the district to be built.
The district is governed by Stewardess Kavala Quake
The third district is Ramsgate, A hub of science and technological advancement. This is the only district where one can gain status on their intelligence alone. No matter if you’re a low born mud farmer from Dockton, or a high born socialite from Elequentis if you’re intelligent your goal is to reside in Ramsgate and attend the college of its namesake. The district is locally ruled by Steward Alehn Mauldra.
The fourth district is Highgarth, where people born of a higher standing reside, the air is sweet, the fruit trees seem to always be in bloom and the people live in relative comfort and ease. The citizens of Highgarth one way or another are associated with politics and lawmaking. Most of The Plateau of Crowns’ chosen Stewards have come from Highgarth. The district is locally governed by High Stewardesses Fiore and Kidahl Ravanah
The fifth district Elequentis, is home to the most wealthy of citizens, they all live in luxury and lead very comfortable lives. Most fine craftsmen live here, jewelers and textile moguls among others. The people of Elequentis love to spend lavishly and throw exquisite parties. Their homes are likewise decorated and furnished in the finest of things. The district is locally governed by High Stewards Rook and Harkon Esspean.
The Needle is the final piece to the great city, it is a thin and towering citadel where Empress Valentia Marcellia resides. The empress seldom comes out of her citadel and is never seen by anyone except the Stewards of the five districts. Common Folk don’t even know much about her or appearance. Anyone unauthorized to lay eyes on the Empress are inflicted with Amnesia immediately after.
Human Racial Makeup:
No makeup requirements. They may adopt markings and tattoos, but they cannot be done in a way that would allow them to be mistaken for another race. They have no advantages or disadvantages over other races. -
The Dark Elves also known as the Na’Azul in Tel’Vania do not give their word lightly. Swearing upon their honor, or particularly by the honor of their family, is the most solemn of Na’Azul oaths. However this does not mean that the Na’Azul cannot lie. All Na’Azul are obsessed with the moons; many tribes of dark elves live in sea caves near the ocean fighting off the monstrous sea creatures of the north, fierce warriors the lot of them. The Na’Azul call the A'Daragon Cliffs home and sole territory of the dark elves.
Dark elves are absolutely certain that their race is superior to all others, and they display absolute dedication to the protection and furthering of their race. This does not mean that dark elves treat other races unfairly - just never as equals. Dark elves often ally with other races and so treat them with honor appropriate to that relation. Regardless, dark elves will never betray their race or prefer another race to their own if there is ever a choice. When Na’Azul are outside of their own lands, they do their best to follow the local laws rather than to bring dishonor upon themselves and their family. The Na’Azul like to abide by a code of honor and superiority, guarding their secrets and keeping their fraternizing with most other races to a minimum.
Na’Azul as a whole admire beauty, but the things they consider beautiful do not always appeal to the tastes of other races. Silence, the dark, jagged or sinuous lines and unsettling colors appeal to their aesthetic senses.The sun is uncomfortably bright to Na’Azul and they try to avoid it if at all possible, although it does not damage them. Given a choice if they are above ground, they would rather sleep during the day and come out at night when “It’s nice out.” and bask in the light of the moons if someone casts a Light spell nearby, Na’Azul will often find it momentarily painful to the eyes and be rather annoyed. The Na’Azul prefer trade with the sea elves because the sea elves are not afraid of them.
The Dark Elves or Na'Azul of Tel’Vania reside in an imposing seaside cliff city, known as The A’Daragon Cliffs. They are a secretive and close knit community, rarely venturing outside their realm. They do not emerge from their cave-like homes in the daytime, only choosing to venture out after darkness has covered the land.
The Na’Azul are, as a race, enamored with the moon. Their people spend many happy hours studying the moon and the star-scattered night sky above. Even the food reflects that love, the recipes for their moon cakes are a closely guarded secret. The time not spent stargazing or moon-bathing is usually spent fighting off the corrupted sea monsters that often try to attack their home.
Like the Dark Elves of other lands the Na’Azul greatly admire the things they find beautiful, such as the night sky or the dark and eyeless depths of the caverns, a raging storm at sea, where the thunder crashes and the waves lap high at their very doors. Even the terror of the sea monsters instills a sense of appreciation and wonderment, a respect almost, from the Na’Azul. Most of the Na’Azul have even learned to appreciate the brief shock of pain a bolt of lightning causes their sensitive eyes.
As a culture they enjoy a very unique cuisine compared to the rest of Tel’Vania. Most often consisting of raw fish, cave fungus, certain insects, and small reptiles. A delicacy amongst the Na’Azul is a cold soup made from the small frogs that populate the cliftops after a gentle rain. They have taken a great liking to the oftentimes sour and crunchy fruit the Ti’Li’Lu cultivate and make it an addition to their special meals. In fact the Na’Azul and Ti’Li’Lu have somewhat similar tastes in terms of food.
Most of the other races of Tel’Vania have grown wary and even fearful of the Na’Azul, mostly due to their mysterious and oftentimes odd-seeming ways. The only race that seems to be able to be truly aimable toward the Na’Azul are the Ti’Li’Lu Delmer who share their love of the sea and the appreciation of the Stars. The Ti’Li’Lu are the only race that actively chooses to trade with the Na’Azul. The Ti’Li’Lu trade their fish and exotic fruits, and exquisitely beautiful glass work for precious things from deep in the earth and blind cave fish caviar called “Caviorb'' that the Ti’Li’Lu have grown to love in a special drink.
The Na’Azul as a whole are an incredibly long-lived race. The true lifespan has been untested insofar as they usually give up their lives to some cause that they deem honorable or worthwhile. They do not fear their Ultimate Fates and welcome Death as an old friend in the night. The youngest of the Na’Azul will have pale white hair and it is noted that as they age the hair begins to slowly darken over the centuries moving from the pale white to silver. It is legend that a Na’Azul nearing the very end of their natural days will have ink-black hair.
Representing a Dark Elf in Tel’Vania:
When role-playing a dark elf, you should feel uncomfortable in the bright daylight and should prefer traveling at night. Dark elves have longer pointed ears and dark blue, gray, or dark purple skin tones and white or silver hair although ancient Na’Azul have black hair this is an extremely rare occurrence and almost never seen outside of the Cliffs of A’Daragon. -
The High Orcs or Or’Tesh of Tel’Vania inhabit the brackish swampland known as The Bloodmoors, located in the North West of Tel’Vania, neighboring the Sylvanborn to the South and the Dwarves to the East. Their capital city of Thra'kar called The Jewel of the Bloodmoors or The Floating City is a hub of trade and naval power on the western coast of Tel’Vania. The Or’Tesh along with the Hophium control 85% of all naval trade on the western coast of Tel’vania.
The Or’Tesh are organized into two main clans (Iron Spirit Armada ,Shining Tooth clan)with a few outliers, smaller clans, and rough bands of Orcs who have set out on their own over the years, due to either hardship or quarrel.
One of the oldest clans of Or’Tesh are the Iron Spirit Armada. They call Thra'kar home, they are the largest and the tightest knit group of Or’Tesh in Tel’Vania with a deep rooted history and culture.
The Shining Tooth is another clan that has been around awhile but seems to have younger members. The Shining Tooth clan is run by Chief Silvertooth Burning-Blade, a rough around the edges Or’Tesh with a fiery temper. They call Om’Rath home. Om’Rath is also called The Silent City.
The Or’Tesh diet consists of anything really. If it's edible and they're hungry they'll eat it. Or’Tesh are tougher than your average adventurer and almost always have some sort of fighter skills. Except for the few of them who are ranked Wardrum they are the mages amongst the Or’Tesh at sea.
Or’Tesh enjoy being bossy, loud, outspoken, picking fights and don’t have the patience for being proper like the Elves. It is their nature to express great strength and show all of those around them just how powerful they are. They tend to be rather blunt, and rarely do you find an Or’Tesh to be shy or soft-spoken. Tactfulness is not a quality known among high orcs. Although they may not mean to be disrespectful, their society and culture often make etiquette a foreign concept. Or’Tesh tend to love battle and will prefer battle,death, and glory rather than to surrender. Once they develop a not-too-involved plan, they usually stick to it unless modified by a higher ranked member.
Or’Tesh tend to listen carefully and give respect to higher ranking clan members. Curiosity is also a large part of the high orc’s nature. A high orc may interrupt a conversation, no matter how important, just for the sake of understanding what a word means. The high orc society is clan-based, where families and blood relations are regarded as most important. Individual high orcs may leave the family to adventure with other races in order to establish glory and a name for themselves or even create a new clan.
Orcs and Ogres are often found near each other whether it be fighting side by side as friends or as mortal enemies. Orcs and Ogres approach each other for the first time with great caution, sizing each other up at first reading any identifying features, badges, or signs then are greeted with either a deep handshake or sword to sword combat.
When one Or’Tesh meets another, generally they greet each other warmly. High orcs realize that they are a rarity and might not see this person in the morning after a battle and feel that they must make good with all their kind. It is not unusual, after only ten minutes, for two high orcs that have just met to behave as if they are old friends. Depending on a character’s personality, a clannad Or’Tesh would either show an unclanned high orc pity (they were raised without the advantages and knowledge of clan life) or with indifference (they have no clan and, therefore, are nothing). Unclanned high orcs, on the other hand, would either regard their brethren with suspicion (those monsters from the hills) or curiosity (they are my people). Most likely they would seek out friendship with their kindred.
Some of the great wars and pivotal history of the Or’Tesh are:
The Burning Plains War happened before the cataclysm but is still fresh on some of the minds of the Stry’riss and U’grah. The Or’Tesh set fire to the plains of the Stry’riss destroying much needed farmland of the Stry’riss and affected trade and much needed food of the U’grah. In retaliation the U’grah and Stry’riss fought with the Or’Tesh for many years. Decimating the number of U’grah.
The Siege of Fallen Ash is another historical battle against The Dorn from the Or’Tesh. This Battle however the Or’Tesh don't speak of because they gravely underestimated the power and the reach of The Dorn. The Dorn owed payment to the Or’Tesh for services rendered and refused to pay the interest added. So the Or’Tesh laid siege to The port of Cinderspire. After almost a year of siege, The Dorn devised a plan to decimate the fleet with no chance of escape and no chance of return. Many Dwarven lava-smiths worked for months and directed the flow of lava underneath the chokehold point in the bay. One day when the entire Or’Tesh fleet gathered at the chokehold to regroup for one massive assault. That is when the Dorn decided to attack, with one strike from a lava-smiths hammer the large obsidian stone cork broke and like a shaken up bottle of champagne exploded. For miles around you could hear the rushing lava flow from underground. which released a massive spout of lava underneath the Or’Tesh fleet. Every ship was covered in the molten hot magma burning and sinking into the abyss of the bay, No one survived. The magma flow was so great it created a small island. That island to this day is called Rage’s Rest, the day The Dorn laid the Or’Tesh rage to rest.
The Or’Tesh of Tel'Vania follow a hierarchy unless they are an unclanned orc. Which is a rare occurrence and frowned upon amongst fellow Orcs. The ranks are as follows:
Main citys in the Bloodmoors are called Thra'kar or “The Floating City” and Om’Rath or “The Silent City”.
Land - Clan Ranks
Chieftain – The leader of the clan and the one who has the last word in everything.
Council – The Council is two-four individuals who aids the Chieftain in leading the clan towards Honor and Glory.
Champion - The Champion a single individual chosen each tusk moot in the clan tournament. All clan members may be a part of this tournament and prove themself for this rank. If they lose the rank, they will become an warrior once again (Unless they were a Raider or Spiritrunner)
Raider – The rank concerning the elitist of the clan, the melee combatants who have proven themself worthy to become the face of the clan when in melee combat.
Spiritrunner – The rank concerning the elitist of the clan, the elemental combatants and healers who have proven themself worthy of becoming the face of the clan.
Warriors – This rank is for those who have proven themself worthy of becoming a full-fledged member of the clan. They have proven that they have the mindset to progress in the clan, the mindset to become a part of the clan.
Clan Member - This rank is given to the civilisation of the clan on land, meaning Cooks, Blacksmiths, etc.
New Blood – This rank is for those who are new to the clan, they have been Icly interviewed and now only seek to deem themself worthy of becoming an Warrior.
Sea - Clan Ranks:
Commodore - Chief – The leader of the clan at sea and the one who has the last word in everything. Controls multiple ships.
Council - Captain – The Council of Captains (as a collective) or Captain is generally one individual per ship who aids the Commodore Chieftain in leading the sea clan towards Honor and Glory.
Quartermaster - Scribe controls the finances of the ship and judges breaches in contract. This individual is also in charge of the cargo.
Mercenary - Champion - The Champion a single individual chosen each tusk moot in the Clan Tournament. All clan members may be a part of this tournament and prove themselves for this rank. If they lose the rank, they will become a Warrior once again (Unless they were a Silent Raider or a Wardrum)
Silent Raider – This rank to be given command of a raiding ship. They consist of the melee combatants who have proven themself worthy to become the quiet knife in the dark or a strong back for the clan when the need arises.
Wardrum – Drummer mages of the fleets of Or’Tesh sailors. The rank concerning the elitist of the clan, the magical combatants who have proven themself worthy to elevate out of manual labor they learn spells either to harm their enemies or motivate their allies. (healing magic is taboo amongst the High Orcs and reads as weakness that one would require healing.)
Warriors – This rank is for those who have proven themself worthy of becoming a full-fledged member of the clan. They have proven that they have the mindset to progress in the clan, the mindset to become a part of the clan.
Seamen - This rank is given to the civilisation of the clan at sea, meaning Cooks,, deckhands, Rowers, etc.
New Blood – This rank is for those who are new to the Clan, they have been Icly interviewed and now only seek to deem themself worthy of becoming an Warrior.
Or’Tesh requirements:Or’Tesh have many shades of green to dark green skin and protruding lower tusks. High Orcs must pay double for Read Magic.The extra cost for Read Magic represents the extra time a High Orc must spend in order to comprehend scholarly subjects such as reading and skills that rely on reading. Remember though, once the skill is bought you are just as educated as the next person that has that skill. All High Orcs have a natural talent for learning weaponry, and may purchase all weapon skills at half cost (rounding up). They can also purchase resist poison and racial resolute.
Long Long ago, somewhere in the central regions of Tel’Vania lived the Eushayra T’käija. The Eushayra (family), lived in a prosperous settlement built around a towering ziggurat that loomed over the landscape, providing shade to their bustling and lively market.
When the Cataclysm occurred, the ziggurat and the surrounding settlement, was consumed by the crack that split Tel’Vania in two.
Left without their Ancestral Home, The Eushayra T’käija split and began to wander and make the whole of Tel’Vania their home. Now resolved to never stay in one spot for very long, or to ever create a permanent home to get destroyed again, they keep moving. Neither do they travel in vast groups, so that the new families can continue to grow should something happen to one family group. They do not put all their eggs into one basket so to speak.
The Greater Eushayra T’käija attempt to gather once every year to exchange stories and be introduced to new members of the greater Eushayra. Even though some T’käija now have different surnames, everyone is still recognized under the umbrella of the Greater Eushayra.
The Ajtimae (The Gathering) is one of the single most important things to the T’kaija. It is, as is customary, a brief thing, lasting one or two lively and sleepless days before they all disappear to the winds again, leaving the land as though they were never there. Here one would bear witness to the spoken history of the Eushayra T’käija and partake in many revelries and all the rich foods the T’käija have to offer. The location of The Ajtimae is decided by a select few T’käija who still act as Haty’a or heads of the family. This is also the time where the Haty’a deal out justice and can hear the plight of their kinsmen. There are four Haty’a remaining in total: Nferi T’käija from the west, Tahemet Nw’eli from the east, Casimir Faroei from the north, and Odet Bayir from the south.
They have easily adapted and put their natural born skills to work out in the wider world. Their navigational skills on land or sea are unparalleled (with the exception of the Ti’Li’Lu at sea) and it is said in great folklore and superstition that a ship without one of The T’käija aboard is a doomed ship. They are likewise natural storytellers and have endless and true tales to tell as their history is passed down verbally from generation to generation. Sometimes these retellings involve a massive audience of T’käija, with performance and revelry. The T’käija welcome outsiders at these events, not shying away from others wanting to learn of their long, rich and colorful history. In fact some outsiders or "Nill’Lah" have come away from the events swearing they could almost feel the Se'Lah themselves.
The T’käija are always a lively bunch, and just as the Selunari of other lands, they hold the family most precious. The Greater Eushayra T’käija pay great honor to the Sel'Lah-- the bond all of their kind have for one another regardless of origin or blood relation. The Wanderlust the Se'Lah brings is very evident in The T’käija as they never linger in one spot.
Each of their gems represent the element or thing they’re most attuned to. For example, a T’käija who deals in Ice magic might have icy blue, white, or even clear looking gems.
Insofar as the matter of their manner of dressing, they tend to wear what their ancient ancestors used to wear but some have adopted styles and fashions from the lands they travel through, though many prefer heavy cloth armor pieces such as gambesons as opposed to Metal.
In the past, wealthy T’käija wore knee-length shirts, pleated linen skirts or kilts and full-length wraparound gowns and close-fitting wraps of cloth made of fine white linen and accessorized with colored scarves. They also adorned themselves with jewelry; a string of beads, armlets, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and rings. The ancient T’käija also liked to enhance their appearance with cosmetics.
The ancient T’käija were also obsessed with cleanliness and personal hygiene. People who were poorly groomed were considered inferior and uncouth.
Some men, usually of farming background, wore simple loincloths or short pleated skirts/ kilts, as well as long tunic-like garments tied with a sash or scarf at the waist and or across the body. Women of the same background would typically wear a wrap dress with broad shoulder straps.
While wealthier women wore wrap dresses decorated with gold thread and colorful beadwork, These dresses were also made of linen, and decorated with beautifully coloured trim and beadwork with gold or silver threads.
Members of any gender of T’käija enhance their appearance with various cosmetics, perfumes, oils and eye makeup, most often outlining their lids with a line of black or other colors matching the element they are attuned to. Putting on eye paint emphasized the eyes and protected them from the bright sunlight. Items to color the face and lips were made from red ore or flowers. Oils and lotions were applied to the skin to protect it, light scented perfumes were also made and used from ingredients found in the furthest reaches of Tel’Vania.
The T’käija like to eat as lightly as they travel, mostly choosing to dine on cured and dried meats, seeds, nuts and fruits such as dates and figs. When the occasion arises, on feast days or other special gatherings they do implement their ancestral recipes using blends of rich and fragrant spices, succulent meats and fruit dishes. They are immensely fond of goat and pork and will count someone a lifelong friend if that particular meat is offered in friendship.
Representing the T’käija in Tel’Vania:
Many T’Käija tend to be very single minded when it comes to clothing and like to wear styles of their ancient ancestors clothing few younger T’kaija have adapted in their clothing styles and choices and tend to wear Styles of clothing from the lands they travel through, with the older T’kaija rolling their eyes. Many like to wear Heavy cloth clothing such as Gambesons and Quilted Cloth Armor for protection. All T’Kaija wear some sort of eye make-up, usually eyeliner, sometimes a bit elaborate, of black or in a color they enjoy. They also must have facial gems in any number grater than 1. -
The Sigili, the Oathsworn of Tel’Vania choose to live in the most extreme conditions all over the land. They live atop snowy peaks, near the mouths of active volcanoes, in barren stony mountains, and the edge of cliffs by the raging stormy Northern Sea. Each of these areas they are sworn to protect.
When a young Sigili comes of age they are taken to The Training Grounds of The Oath. The Training Grounds is a mysterious place which is never hosted in the same location. It moves all around Tel’Vania from the east shore to the west and my be hosted anywhere in between. Here the young Sigili are put through trials by the most skilled Sigili warriors and must undergo tests of skill, fortitude, strength and compassion. When the young Sigili passes all through the trials they are awarded one of five titles: Guardian of The Air, which will indicate that they shall reside high upon any of the many snowy peaks of Tel’Vania. Guardian of The Storm, which will indicate that they shall reside upon any of the stormy cliffs overlooking the sea. Guardian of The Land, which will indicate that they shall reside upon a barren mountainside or on the open plains. Guardian of Change, which will indicate they shall reside near the mouth of a volcano or magma vent. And finally, Keeper of Trials which indicates that they will travel with The Training Grounds of The Oath.
Once the Sigili are assigned to their post they will migrate there and will begin Sworn Stewardship over the region. They will protect the area and especially travelers through their territory, keeping a watchful eye from afar. Many sailors owe their lives to the watchful eye of a Sigili sitting on their cliff.
It is also said that the Sigili and the U'grah were the first to report the blight happening (in year 736) and returning (in year 2019).
When the Sigili take up residence in their fated land they begin a three day and three night meditation to become acclimated to their new home. They will likewise arrange their campsite which will be fairly minimalistic as possible, utilizing the natural surroundings.
The Sigili maintain decent relations with most races in Tel’Vania, though it is said that a few merely tolerate their presences and give their hermitages wide berths.
Their diet consists of anything they can manage from the land. They are skilled trappers, foragers, hunters, and gatherers.
Representing the race in Tel’Vania:
When choosing costuming, think of the environment your character is from. A Sigili who is a Guardian of Air would likely wear white furs, light colored but heavy clothing, have horns or crystalline protrusions that resemble Ice etc.
The Guardian’s of Air would likely have (white face paint/tattoos in runes and other characters on their face and or body with clear to icy blue looking crystals coming from their heads usually adorned with white furs to keep warm)
The Guardian’s of The Storm living on the edge of sea cliffs amongst lightning and storm clouds. They would likely have (blues or aquas in crystals or clearish to light bright colored horns such as yellows and other bright colored Crystals coming from their heads.)
The Guardian’s of The Land would likely have ( cracked clay facial markings or with grayish, earthy, or natural looking tone of facial/body markings. Different types of darker color crystals/natural stones adorn their heads. Such as tigers eye, jasper, amethyst, or different types of darker quartz, etc. Natural horns or earthy colored horns such as greens or browns or even marble color horns)
The Guardian of Change would likely have (black or black ash face stripe or Black runes or other characters found on their face and or body. Any rich dark color crystals or horns such as reds or black can be found on their heads . darker color clothing should be chosen with burnt edges )
The Keeper of Trials would likely have any color in regards to facial markings/tattoos and any color and type of head protrusions basically free to create. no clothing limitations. -
The Sylvanborn are The Folk of The Night March or Stry'riss of Tel’Vania.
Long have the stories been told in various settlements of The Night March, the speakers of truth and mystery that sing in the voices of the stars and walk with the stride of the stag. The Stry’riss are a mysterious people to their other mortal siblings touched by the magic of the fae. A troupe of “Sylvan-Born” may make no noise while traveling or may sound like the rush of wind through the trees as they move through a forest. The great craftsmanship of the Stry'riss is well known in Tel’Vania. Often in the spring when their horns or antlers shed they are known to make beautiful works of horn-carving and presenting it to those whom they greatly care for. Each year their horns seem to grow larger, pushing out their old horns to make room for new ones. Though a Stry'riss will never give a horn lightly as it is a token of extreme intimacy. Sharing a drink out of an anchet shed horn of a Stry’riss, and telling stories of love and loss is one of the Stry'riss most honored traditions known as The Spring Festival. A time where the Stry'riss return to The Night Forest to play and make merry as all the Stry'riss shed their horns and begin the growth for next year.
Perhaps you wish to hear a tale of how the Stry’riss came to be. Well sit right down and I can oblige. Once upon a time there were the ancient Fey formless and light as a feather. They bounded across Tel'Vania like clouds and lighting taking on whatever shape they will. Until one day a dragon came of white and gold fell from the sky, a dragon of moonstone and story to shape the very dreams of this world. This dragon asked of the ancient Fey what they would like to be? Wouldn’t they rather love and live and risk the void for a main part in this world? Wouldn’t the story be better with some stakes? Why not play the high stakes game? The greater fey scoffed and clung as mist to the mountains and the rivers adulating in the forests and remaining the winds. But some of the smaller fey, the fey of the tumbling stones or the new budding grass began to wonder what it might be like to die and love and run amongst the works of their hands. Like the strokes of a pen they sang and released their formless forms and from their souls we all were born. Now you know the tale from whence comes the Stry'riss.
Perhaps you wish to know of our people and our great wild cavalcade of the night. Well that’s a story of great renown mothers tell children of our endless parade through the night and the stars and the moon and the bay but know this child it's not so simple to live a full life without a guide or a temple. Ours is the pride in having no pride. Ours is a life of the complex and the simple. All must work for all, and some must work for none. The endless parade of the brook and the sun. No leader has us but for a song. No director for the play, no inspector for the rum. No mortal kings and no royal sons. Our only queen is the one in the moon, our only command is the night and the tune. We are the Night-Born the lost of the land come dance along to our planless plan.
Night-born Society: The Stry'riss are constantly moving even in their home country The Forest of Night, which is why they call their social groups Troupes. Each troupe is a caravan of moving stages platforms and houses. Pulled either by magical means or creature and cart. A troupe may consist of 15 members or 500.The Wyld Hunt (the great moving nation of the Night-Born). They are all fantastical romps of artisans and performers every one makes and everyone gets. Carved horns are a common thing but also alchemists, blacksmiths, Brewers, makers of clothing, bags and stories. With many actors always performing various historical events. Their society is a performance, a young Stry'riss doesn’t even have a name when they are born but they may ask for the names of those that raise them, a way to begin to play a role in the Festival of Night (the philosophical heart of the Night-born). The closest thing to leaders that the Stry'riss have are The Masks. Carved of ancient wood some say of Verdavain flesh. The Masks are powerful people but more importantly roles to be cast. There are many masks but the most powerful and known are listed below:
The Moon Mask is the mask of Command. A mask bearing the face of Celene and Queen of the Fey one who wears it commands all the Night-Born if only for a moment before the command is Resisted and mocked and devolves into laughter.
The Laughing Mask is the mask of the Craft. A dryad face laughing and covered in leaves bears a jolly expression. The one who wears the mask may speak to what craft would bring joy to the Night-Born
The Crying Mask is the mask of Silence. A crying draconic face constantly drips tears and magically silences the cavalcade for a moment. Allowing those whose pain has not been acknowledged to be heard.
The Flaming Mask is the mask of Battle. Two black eyes peek out from a head of fire.
Should the mask ever need to be worn the Blood-Singers will call the People to arms and The Cacophonic March will begin.
The Stry'riss (as a collective call themselves The Night-Born but all outsiders are to call them The Stry'riss) are known to come in all shapes, sizes. A cause of their ancestry being descended from the very rocks and clouds of the world. Their hair color may come in a variety of shades, such as red, black,or blonde, and even into the colors of the rainbow with fantical colors of blues and purples. The Stry'riss pride themselves on their diverse appearances feeling that they were given the right to choose their form as a mortal. Though their most notable feature is the horns that grow from the head of any Stry'riss. These are known to take many shapes such as the curled horns similar to a Satyr, ever branching antlers of The White Stag, and the spiraled horn of the Almiraj. These horns start off very small as a young Stry'riss and every spring shed but grow back instantly and slightly larger every year. A Stry'riss may keep several years worth of their own shed horns around or give them out as gifts by carving the horn into a useful tool or a drinking horn.
A young Stry'riss is known to come of age when they are able to pass the Test of Dreams. A ritual that involves drinking an incredibly strong Ale or Mead to induce an ecstatic state and finding a song/performance of their own and out of that song a name. They have no known age limit, this is mostly due to their unsettled and shifting nature. Stry'riss switch styles often getting bored with the same thing all the time. Young Stry'riss are born with small pedicels about an inch tall, but do not start developing larger horns until the age of 60.
The clothing of the Stry'riss range from drab plain colors to wild and colorful, they may change constantly or circulate around a theme or color. A Stry'riss may be as likely to wear the garb of their parents as clothes stolen off a line and sewn together.
A Stry'riss Blood-Singer will typically wear black and red clothing and armor to allow for easy movement and provide protection to the vital areas of the body.
The most unusual adornment of the Stry'riss Blood-Singer is (The Wraps of the Fallen). A length of cloth made of pieces of worthy slain combatant’s clothing sewn together in one long strip and wrapped around the Blood-Singers leg like a leg wrap or forearm like a bracer. The longer the cloth The more adept the fighter. They are the protectors of the fae and the freewill of their people and the people of Tel’Vania. The Blood-Singers songs come from the cries of the people that tried to take advantage or harm the fae and people trying to take the freewill away from Tel’Vania
Stry'riss Spell-Singers have a unique quality to them of seeming the most demure of their kin on the outside but use great magics to become wild and colorful as the song of spells begins. Runes are often gifts given to a child Stry’riss on their day of recognition. Each rune represents a name of the Stry'riss adult that had a role to play in that child's life. Often friends of the parents, these runes represent the giver. A drunken fiddle player, A sullen horn–carver, A boisterous Spell-Singer. People from whom the child will learn the ways of the world the rune is a promise of care and wisdom. The Spell-Singers are generally great magic users tought by their family and family friends. Stry’riss tend to share their possessions with others who may need them, and do not understand the preoccupation with money that other races have. As long as they have enough to get by on and lots of friends and family they are happy.
Representing the Sylvanborn or Stry'riss of Tel’Vania:
Stry’riss have short elven ears but also 2 small horns on their foreheads, pointing more to a satyr parentage. The Stry'riss are very strong believers in freedom, and as such are opposed to slavery and anything that removes freewill.
Stry'riss also tend to have a somewhat hedonistic view of life, indulging actively in wine, women/men, song and dance. They possess no cultural taboos in regard to sex and gender preference, as long as everything is completely consensual.
They never seem to die of old age, but instead of accidents, battles and other causes. However, remember when starting a new Sylvanborn character that you should probably be quite young, for otherwise you would have gained many skills. Unless you've blanketed enough to come into game with skills as an older Sylvanborn. Stry’riss like to use horn carved materials as combs, cups, Hair accessories etc.
Stry'riss Blood-Singer tend to wear heavy armor and mostly red and black and most always have what they call “The Wraps of the Fallen”. A length of cloth made of pieces of worthy slain combatant’s clothing sewn together in one long strip and wrapped around the Blood-Singers leg like a leg wrap or forearm like a bracer.
Sylvanborn must purchase a Craftsman skill at every level until five craftsman skills at a minimum have been obtained. They only pay one Experience Point per craftsman skill. They can buy Resist Command and Break Command. -
The Dryads or Verdavain as they are known in Tel'Vania are the great watchers and listeners of the forests, swamps, deserts and plains.
Moss, reeds, ferns, mushrooms, bamboo, carnivorous plants, and many more to name. Verdavain are not all trees and in fact only the eldest of the Verdavain are trees, many living to see a whole elven generation grow up to become adults with children of their own. The Verdavain that inhabit Tel’Vania live all over, mostly staying around their place of birth in the climate that they are most comfortable in. Some, however, decide to explore and travel the lands searching for a better place to take root as some places seem to be tainted by the blight more than others. The Verdavain don't get along with Dwarves in the slightest because of their use of metals and living underground with no appreciation for the living forest above. They cut down trees to use in their forges and fires to make their weapons for war and destroy forests, they sicken them. They are also not trusting of the Dark elves or Na'Azul as they themselves live underground in sea caves barely seeing the sunlight. They wonder how a thing that never gets sunlight can grow. Verdavain were among the one of first races on the shard and responsible for most of the varying plant life. The Shard's re-awakening was due to the Dryads in the newest age. Present day Verdavain are fed up in this land, It has been taken from them one too many times, changed and perverted, twisted and abused. Sleeping until the time of The Awakening.
The Awakening occurred when the ground became too poisonous and their roots started to burn the nutritious soil and ground that has housed their roots for years or decades now has become unbearable and has forced them to uproot and move. Their seedlings began to die before their eyes before they even had a chance to sprout. The Verdavain took up arms and sought to rid the world of the Blight.
They listened to the other Races of Tel’Vania speaking for hundreds of years before many awoke to roam the lands.
Like the Wylderkin, Verdavain are found all over Tel’Vania, reflecting the local flora. They have a strong bond with the High Elves, who tend their ancestral homeland and their Grand Tree Eldarbor. Because of that they are fierce fighters and alchemists stopping at nothing to get what they want and to stop the abusers of the forest. The eldest of the Verdavain live in the center most part of the Elarian forest in the Elven territory with the forest being fed by a spring with ever replenishing fresh water within it feeding the forest.The Verdavain live side by side with the Alendil living in a symbiotic relationship. In the presence of the blight Verdavain get antsy and some may get enraged.
Representing the Verdavain of Tel’Vania:
You may be any type of plant you wish Tel’Vania has vast climates to house any type of plant. Moss,Ferns, reeds,mushrooms, bamboo, carnivorous plants, etc. Remember the blight made many dryads move and change climate so you my be from anywhere in Tel’Vania no matter the choice. Just make sure your representing your plant type obvisly.
To play a Verdavain in Tel’Vania you must use makeup and costuming appropriate for the type of plant you're trying to convey. All must have some sort of leafy prosthetic, such as flowers in the hair or vines around the body. Makeup can be as creative as you wish, as long as it is nature-inspired. The makeup and costuming can even change with the seasons or in the presence of concentrated areas of the blight. Most older Verdavain also tend to have darkening fingertips and feet as the blight has scared them depending on their involvement with the blight some might have more and some might have less. it's almost like a counter to how much you've fought and been in contact with the blight in your life.
Due to their connection with the lands, Dryads can purchase Herbal Lore at half price (rounded up) and Resist Binding. Because of their aversion to metal, they cannot wear armor of a grade higher than 2 points per location, though they may use the armor layering rules to achieve higher values in a location. Dryads may learn to use any weapons, but should avoid metal ones. Verdavain might use an Jade sword, but not an iron or steel one. -
The Wild Elves also known as the Meardras in Tel’Vania are a race of nomadic horse-mounted warriors. They inhabit the vast central plains where it goes from grasslands to desert. Their bond with horses is such that Wild Elves are said to be born, fight, and die on horseback. Their homeland now divided by the great chasm created great sorrow amongst the wild elf tribes. Many split and faltered to be lost forever scattered to the winds of the plains.
The Wild elves were one of many nomadic groups who lived in the vast open Grasslannds of Sher'a'vah/The Desert of Sher'a'vah plains of Tel'Vania. Ashamed of what the blight has taken from them, friends, family, and their horses. They now walk in shame and anger seeking revenge against whatever or whomever started this horrible cataclysm and blight on the land. If you're lucky enough to have a horse at this time (year 2022) it means great importance to the Meardras and probably means you are of a higher rank or nobility and are to be respected. It's a coming of age story that every Wild elf gets a horse to care for when they become an adult.
Also, during their coming of age ceremony they tattoo facial markings of blue for grassland horse tribes and white for desert horse tribes there also might be others that are unknown to the average adventurer. Wild Elves tend to be more rough around the edges in appearance and attitude than their fellow high elves.
Meardras generally have many tattoos of various things and tend to have more jewelry and more piercings than most elves of Tel’Vania. The Meardras like large open spaces that is where they are most comfortable and tend to shy away from cramped caves and stuffy forests. They think hiding underground or behind trees and being sneaky isn’t an honorable fight. They prefer a fight in an open area so that all can see and there are no tricks to ensure there is a fair and honorable fight.
Most important laws to the Wild Elves are to first and foremost take care of your horse. You will receive as much back as you put in when taking care of your horse. To steal,kill or purposely harm or in any way hinder the long life of a fellow Meardras horse is to sign your own death warrant with the Wild Elves. Often you'll see a Meardras sitting on a blanket either when eating or when trading. Usually this is a saddle blanket form a fallen or prized horse. This blanket is usually carried with them and used often for lots of different tasks such as when sitting on hard ground, shade when the sun is high in the sky, and protection from sand and other elements.
Wild Elves Makeup requirements:
Meardras have short pointed ears usually adorned with different styles and types of jewelry they greatly enjoy items with horses on them and small sculptures of horses etc. They prefer loose, airy, and flowing clothing. Most Meardras tend to wear neutral and natural looking colored clothing and shy away from bright colors and complex patterns. Meardras tend to be slightly claustrophobic and are uncomfortable in tight spaces such as dungeons and caves. Meardras have tattooed markings of blue for Grasslands of Sher'a'vah horse tribes and white for Desert horse tribes of Sher'a'vah there also might be others that are unknown to the average adventurer. -
The Wylderkin or Al'Kyn'Shere of Tel’Vania are found everywhere with no discernable homeland to speak of. The Al'Kyn'Shere are as natural to the lands as the animals they so resemble.
Their groupings are, however, not randomized, the kin who inhabit The forests are typically creatures made for the region, rabbitkin, deerkin, foxkin raccoonkin, squirrelkin, etc. In the cold mountainous regions Kin are typically going to be heartier stock, mountain goatkin, snowlepardkin, and so forth from region to region. On Cinderspire for example, there is a strong population of Yakkin who help run the Inns and help travelers up the steep and often treacherous mountain paths.
There are many seafaring Otterkin and they are typically found anywhere there are docks and ships. There are however few Kin settlements scattered around. Legend has it that many centuries ago there was a culture of Al'Kyn'Shere called the Sa'ar. They were big cat kin such as lionkin, tigerkin, and cheetahkin. Who lived in splendor in Tel’Vania, though they’re now lost to time. There are legends of where the Sa’ar home land once was but the legends vary so vastly. Some say the Sa’ar once lived to the East, near the Na’Azul. Some said it was a sandy Island that sank beneath the waves off the southern coast. Either way, the Sa’ar and their lands are lost to time. Some speak of them as legend or if they ever existed at all. Some of the Al'Kyn'Shere of today spend their lives searching for remnants of their original homeland. Others though are more than happy to live out their existence in harmony with the other races of Tel’Vania.
Representing The Race in Tel’Vania:
Put thought into where you want your Kin to be from, read the packets for the other races to get a feel for the culture of the land. Try to have your Kin be appropriate for the climate of the region. For example, it wouldn’t make much sense to have a Polar Bearkin from the desert. Unless a unique event placed them there.
Remember this is a high makeup race! Make sure you’re comfortable in your mask or won’t overheat or sweat off your makeup.